It's interesting ... over the last few weeks I've had several people ask me if I would consider blogging again or doing a podcast. I guess I'm kind of thinking about it. I do really miss interacting with folks about the issues that face us -- and I guess it's fair to say that I'm toying with the idea.
Anyway ... if you're still checking the blog, post here with your opinion as to whether I should fire this sucker back up again. Would you read it?
Are voters really anti-immigration? Plus, the most polarizing country
*Survey Says** is a weekly column rounding up three of the most important
polling trends or data points you need to know about. You’ll also find
9 hours ago
I would read it...
Welcome back!
With Laz gone, there is a big need for someone who will speak truth to power. Hope you will consider taking the gauntlet back up!
count me in
miss your blog -- hope you bring it back!
I have been checking it twice... let's Roll! It's been a long time.. Times a ticking.
You should jump back into it. I'll read it!
We would welcome you back!
Hell YES
What happened to Mike Herron? He's not on WSAR anymore.
definately. The responses will rapidly grow as soon as you begin to post. There is a large void that you can clearly can fill.
The sooner the better!!Missed you.
mikey herren is attempting to start up an internet station....lmao. looked up the pbl b ball team and apparently he has hijacked their facebook site. what crap.
If you're going to do this, let's all the rest of us leave the 'Caine out of it, he is irrelevant and a non-issue at this point.
I'm more interested to hear your take on the current goings ons, like the Casino-Bio Park fiasco, the New "Gang of Four" on the City COuncil, and what your opinion of Mayors Flanagan/Torres is. Welcome back Keri, glad to see you still have your secret blogger codes to get on the interwebs!
Sorry WJ
but it is hilarious herren is claiming to have thousands of hits on his nonexistent station! fuzzy counter? apparently he found some new goons to work for free. some people never learn....
Absolutely kiddo. Blogger-up! :)
Come on Keri - we're eagerly awaiting you to start posting to your blog again. Upload pics of that little guy or email me some, please!
I'm forcing the issue by highlighting you again on my blog.
You go, girl!
lots of stuff to blog about in da riv these days..even more to come
Only if you are persuing the problem with Mike Herron. Perhaps he wil finally have to answer for his bad behavior over the years of his life . He will have to finally answer for his privaledge behavior in Fall River as a former basketball star LOL
Nope-- he got away with it AGAIN!
Check out ESPN's unguarded. It's a great story!!
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