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9 hours ago
what duh huh? Haven't been seen or heard from in weeks and this is all we get?
All I see is a cryptic message that doesn't even make sense. Let me see if I can do that.
"TV's on and power cord is bent.
I have been seen and heard from!
where?? on here??
Keri's blog should come with a translator for dumbasses.
Hey, here's what it means.
River's wild and scenic status official= Recently a bill was passed by the President which marks the Taunton River as part of the federal Wild and Scenic Rivers System. This is important because it helps you in your never ending fight against the Hess Corporation and their plans to put a volatile and unstable Liquified Natural Gas facility across the street from a school full of children and a church. This is good because if something bad should happen, innocent people would die and that's not good.
woot= I am very happy about this.
(end translation)
Now, that's breaking News!
Hey Krod what do you think about Hurricane kicking ass in your old time slot...
River's wild and scenic status official= Recently a bill was passed by the President which marks the Taunton River as part of the federal Wild and Scenic Rivers System. This is important because it helps you in your never ending fight against the Hess Corporation
If keri had stated it that way she would not have needed you to translate. I guess she isn't the best communicator in the world. There is not one reason she couldn't have written it in just as an understable way as you did here. Instead we get broken English from her. I nominate YOU to take over her Blog. At least you make sense.
Mar 28, 2009 9:06 PM
the picture on my space of you is sexy as hell..your eyes and makes me crazy...go on facebook.
Mike Herren
What a great best friend! LMAO
From: Herren Sports
Date: Mar 28, 2009 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: are you on face book if you are let me know so i can im you
3 is the word of the night..maybe we will have a 3some..we will call maryellen lol areyou on facebook yet
----------------- Original Message -----------------
To: Herren Sports
Date: Mar 28, 2009 6:16 PM
Subject: RE: are you on face book if you are let me know so i can im you
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Herren Sports
Date: Mar 28, 2009 4:11 PM
Subject: are you on face book if you are let me know so i can im you
call me at 5084158404
ASSHOLES People have been hacking into Hurricanes computer for weeks now he hasnt stopped talking about it on his show crazy messages and continuation of emails and mssages that arent his...Working real hard trying to fuck the Hurricane!1 Krod you have zero credibility and now bogus hacked into computer files are part of your most recent smear campaign.You have no shame
Ummm...not for nothing but if someone is hacking into Mike's accounts and trying to make him look like a jerk, then what makes you think they aren't trying to do the same thing here by posting that crap when people know he's been hacked. Also, why couldn't it be that someone is trying to make Keri look like the a$$hole for the same reasons? You people-Blind Hurricane Fans who seem to think he's the new messiah-are pathetic. You just want to blame Keri for everything and rub her nose in the fact that Mike has her time slot. Guess what? It doesn't matter if he has her time slot--he is still an abusive person who harassed her while at work. That IS why she can't post remember? Something about a LAWSUIT. Stop being a$$holes and see the whole picture for crying out loud.
Yeah right. Herren goes online all messed up, says stupid s#*t then claims everybody hacks him. Kinda like when he says somthing idiotic on the raido then later denies saying it at all. What a douche!
I can see how someone may "hack" into one of his accounts like facebook, but his email and all his accounts is a little far fetched or it is someone very very close to him. unless he uses the same password DOYOUKNOWWHOIAM? for all his accounts.
The hacked account argument from Mike is actually sort of interestingly funny/stupid/hilarious.
As a, ahem, polarizing public persona, he should probably know better than to have a facebook or myspace and, if he does, he should change his passwords weekly to prevent hacking. But how could people know his IP address to hack in the first place????
Oh right, because he blogs and makes it's all but known who he is when he does so (LukeUrban on, anybody?). So any goofball with a chip on their shoulder can track him back, then hack all his stuff if they are in fact that bitter.
Basically: Mike blogs, Mike gets hacked. Mike stops blogging, Mike doesn't get hacked anymore. Probably.
Keri has a Myspace and probably a facebook too. It's the thing to do. But Keri's blog used to talk about what an asshole her ex-boyfriend was and how he wouldn't even go get her food or Milk when she could make it out of the house.
So what? People blog about their problems online. Herren picks up chicks online. I'm not seeing a problem with any of this. All I see are people trying to make others look bad as if any of this stuff is out of the ordinary. It really isn't. Get a Life!
I cant believe Krod has resorted to this type of nonsense...The hurricane has limited knowledge of internet security and because of his job should have more but to put this garbage on your blog???Krod will stop at nothing to try to ruin the hurricane.How is her credibility now?Stolen falsified messages pathetic
Krod is her own worst enemy. She quit the business because she couldn't handle confrontation. Her next job lasted a half day because she could not keep her mouth shut. she ran out of town because she feared her safety based on the fact she couldn't just leave well enough alone. Nobody in Fall River respects her except for maybe one or two kiss ass friends. Keri isn't having a good year.
However in the end all her grief was brought upon by herself because of the way she treated people over several years. Karma ffinally got her back. Now she's in a tailspin and her life is in a nosedive. She would like people to believe different. But I know people who know Keri. She's not a happy camper these days. She's not doing well at all!
So what? People blog about their problems online. Herren picks up chicks online. I'm not seeing a problem with any of this. All I see are people trying to make others look bad as if any of this stuff is out of the ordinary. It really isn't. Get a Life!
April 1, 2009 10:22 AM
I guess it's fine if your not picking up your best friends babymomma/girlfriend.
Thats interesting because during the time frame of these e mails i was with the Hurricane...maybe he has super hero powers and can be in two places at once ?? My name is Caroline and i work at the new and fabulous restaurant Bella..look it up idiots and get your facts straight.
this is real shit ...there is an ongoing investigation into the security issues regarding Mr Herrens internet communications..stolen emails have ended up with Omari Walker ,Meg Mayo Browns desk,Fall river pd,etc..Victims are included in this mess they are a mentally ill young lady who Herren befriended and tried to help,Jen Dambrosio former miss Rhode Island a young lady in Swansea,a local bartender, and many more...All of these victims were sent emails tacked on to original messages and distorted to crazy sexually explicit and hurtful material..This investigation is being handled by th ITT division of a local law enforcement agency..Say what you want about Mr herren but hi is a victim here and shame on Keri for allowing this trash on her blog it just shows here character or lack of..
I think it'll be funny as hell when the computers that they link the emails to wind up being on Herren's desk at WSAR and in his living room.
It's also interesting how people think it's great when Keri gets bashed and it's no slight on her part or a smudge on her character if she doesn't take down those posts unless they get completely out of control, but if there's a post about some half witted substance abuser who can't put two syllables together, let alone letters and words, then it's bad of her to not take it down.
Let's post more stuff about her personal life, about her son and make bad statements about a woman hardly any of us know, except through radio and the comments that we read in local newspapers that other people make, that will make her seem so much nicer.
Buy a clue, Goob.
It is clear that Krod will stop at nothing to try to ruin Hurricane .Does anyone still think Krod is a helpless victim??Go Away Krod your behavior is disgusting!!!
Krod has already proven that she isn't stable. Ask anyone who she has worked for or has worked with in the past. See what they have to say. She's not playing with a full deck.
Wait a minute. So what did Keri do exactly? What is she being blamed for? Didn't she just post about the Wild and Scenic River designation -- and nothing about Mike Herren? I think Mike needs to seriously stop obsessing.
Honestly... How many people here knew what this Wild and Scenic River designation even was? Let's see a show of hands. Either I am out of the loop, or this blog is way to localized for my taste.
Keri is happy being a tiny munchkin in munchkin Land. That is fine. I guess I just prefer issues on a larger scale that most people actually know about.
Remember when the rep from Utah Rob Bishop said, “The only part of this river that is scenic is the graffiti found on the bridges, and the only thing that is wild is the gangs.”
And then he wanted to change the definition of "Taunton River" so that the land where Hess wants its LNG facility is no longer on the river.
That was funny stuff! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA good times
The following quote is even funnier:
“If this qualifies as Wild and Scenic under their interpretation, then downtown Manhattan is a national forest and Six Flags qualifies as a national park,” U.S. Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Wash., said.
hahahaha! Yeah.
Remember the time those two people went on Kerri's blog and made comments in support of an argument that seeks to further a project that not only potentially endangers the lives of a bunch of innocent people in an impoverished area of South Eastern Massachusetts, but that they thought that they were being witty about it by quoting a bunch of hack politicians who's constituents have nothing to do with the area and could give a crap less about the designation, except that it could potentially cut into the money that Hess lobbyists put into their pockets?
Hahaha. . . yeah.
good times.
Krod doesn't have to do anything to ruin Herren. Reality, genetics and his own inability to think clearly and act like an adult are going to do that for him.
reality and genetics of the Herrens really ok father was Chairman of Energy after 1 term as rep at 34yrs old,brother Chris played in NBA ,Mike was an All American and carried olympic torch for outstanding volunteer work and now he has 2 radio shows.The reality is that they arguably f
Fall Rivers most recognizable families..You can hate but i would rather appreciate!!!
hmm, I thought Karams were the reconognizable fall riverites.
How about Emeril Lagasse he did something made a name for himself and didn't screw it up.
I personally like Joe Raposo who wrote the theme music to Sesame Street as well as to Three's Company. He's my favorite Fall Riverite. So let's see, Emeril and Joe. It looks to me like the most famous Fall River residents are the ones who don't get involved in Political Bullshit. Are you paying attention Keri?
how the hell does opportunity involve itself in genetics?
And yeah, their dad MAY have done well in the past, but wasn't he married a bunch of times and an abusive dick?
Didn't Chris get kicked out the NBA and hit a pole with a needle in his arm?
Didn't Mike get caught in a hotel room with a couple of crack whores?
Fall River's best and brightest?
I'll stick with Emeril and Sesame Street, thanks!
At least I can appreciate those with success AND morals!
he didnt get kicked out of the nba on the simple fact that he had a problem that didnt allow him to continue a basketball career. holds the chinese basketball record for most points in a game, or did for a couple years.
and the girls that mike got caught in the hotel room with were anything but crack whores.
also the case was dropped in court on the account of insufficient evidence so that throws that one out too
Keri has an ax to grind with Herren. This pissing contest will continue until one of them ends up dead. How sad.
I've never seen such a disgruntled employee of a radio station before. Postal workers "YES". Former Program Director's of a radio station "NO". Usually PD's know how to act professionally.
I've got to say that from my perspective all I see is Herren minding his own business and not bothering anybody. But Keri and or her minions seem to be trying to stir up all the shit that they can. Posting personal emails from a hacked account now? Keri didn't even bother to remove the private phone number that was posted here. That makes her just as guilty as the person who posted it (which is probably her anyway).
Just fucking grow up Keri. Really. Just act your age and Grow the fuck up!
we could just forget everything except the topic at hand. Remember that?
Taunton River's Wild and Scenic Designation Status? Huh?
Hooray for not getting off topic like a third grader with ADHD!
Dosen't herren understand that nothing you put on the internet is private. Your myspace? No not really. He should look at the disclaimers he agreed to when signing up. Is he really that foolish?
"Just fucking grow up Keri. Really. Just act your age and Grow the fuck up!"
What exactly did Keri do or say? She posted the word "woot" underneath a headline from the Herald News. The rest of this thread consists of Mike Herren's Fall River whack pack shadowboxing with themselves.
Scroll up to march 31st. Read the comments. It's about both what Keri possibly did do and what Keri definitely did not do. She may have very well hacked into herren's email account. If not, she still allowed someone to post a phone number of his here.
She has removed posts before. She has the power to do so. However in this case she did not remove his private information! Do you know why she did not? Because she continues to enjoy poking Herren with a stick.
Which in my opinion makes her the biggest asshole of the bunch. Don't be fooled. Keri is not the innocent little girl that she wants her friends to believe. She's a fucking nightmare on Elm St.
Herren has given his personal address and phone number on the air several isn't a big secret.
After all of the internet savvy she's let us know that she's aware of in the past, do you really think that A0 she's going to waste time on hacking into Mike's email and then spreading those false emails in the dumbest of locations? and B) she's going to be stupid enough to not only post them on her own blog, but not realize that her IP address can be traced back to her and cause her to be arrested?
You folk REALLY are as stupid as you're acting!
Does anyone think that Krod is still a victin?/The truth is that she never was..the victims were people that had to work and deal with her on a daily basis..every place she has been there is drama and trouble and ultimately controversy when she left.she lied about WSAR just like she lies about everything else..Can you imagine what Krod would do and say if hurricane had her stolen emails and messages on his site or talked about it on his show..She would be screaming from the mountain tops!!She is a liar and a hypocrite.
Or maybe...just maybe...she hasn't logged in to see that Mike's personal info is posted here. She does have a job and a child people! I'm pretty sure this blog isn't the center of her world.
Where's Hurricane's site? Is he blogging the issues he addresses on his show? I don't care about his myspace or his facebook. That's public exhibitionism and masturbation. Rush Limbaugh has a site. Bill O'Reilly has a site. With clothes and personal comments and forums. Oh, that's right, the Karams don't allow it
Or maybe...just maybe...she hasn't logged in to see that Mike's personal info is posted here. She does have a job and a child people! I'm pretty sure this blog isn't the center of her world.
April 3, 2009 4:15 PM
I am pretty sure you are wrong. At her past jobs she was logged into Myspace constantly during work hours. She has also proven that she can not stay away from places where people talk about her. This includes blogs, radio forums, etc. Trust me when I tell you that not only has she been here. But she comes here several times daily and is emailed instantly whenever someone posts a comment on this board.
She does not work 24/7 at that so called job. Her kid also goes to sleep, right? So you want us to believe that Keri is oblivious to postings here and she just hasn't seen them? LOL, That's a good one!
I haven't been on here in a while, but I must say...I am SO incredibly glad to see people who see this Bitch for who she really is. Amen & Hallelujah! The truth FINALLY comes out.
Keri is a self-proclaimed, political know-it-all who gets off on people talking about her...good or bad. I hate to feeding into that, but there you go.
If you are complaining...KEEP IT UP! If you are defending her...SHUT THE HELL UP! She deserves all the ridicule she gets.
You know I didn't think about the fact that she might be getting e-mails about whatever people were posting here...that just makes her look like an asshole then if she's not deleting his personal information.
Wild & Scenic designation, that was the topic of this post. March 31, 2009 at 6:55 p.m., 7th posting, that was the first comment talking about the Hurricane and thus taking this blog entirely off track. So the question is why Hurricane's supporters are obsessed with stalking Keri's blog and inserting his name into topics that have nothing to do with him and then they complain when people respond back and bash him. Unbelievable!
People obviously find Herren more interesting to discuss than those topics that Keri chooses. If people cared about her topics than it wouldn't matter how many people talked about other things. There would still be plenty of talk about Keri's chosen topic. However if I may use some slang here, IT JUST AIN'T HAPPENING!
She was a boring talk show host who less and less people seem to care about with each passing day. I don't know if she has ever listened back to any of her shows, but just the number of times she said the word "FOLKS" during any given hour was nauseating.
Well her 15 minutes are over. This much is clear. As Porky Pig would say......
People would rather listen to sports scores or snorting.
What gets posted here matters little, if at all. The allegation of harrassment in the workplace does matter, and will be appropriately acted upon in due time. A judge will ultimately decide if it did or did not happen. That is all that really matters with regard to Keri Rodrigues and WSAR/Mike Herren.
I like pudding. I'm just throwing that out there. Big fan of pudding.
Keri should make posts like the one above. Then at least she would be entertaining.
to anon 7:34 AM . . .
who cares. keri should talk about the hurricane more. its the only reason why people care about this whale's blog
I can't wait to see how she explains the other guys that she was messing around with while she was with her son's father. That's going to be fun to watch, forget this crap with Herren!
Oh for crying out loud some of you people are ridiculous and totally annoying to read.
Keri needs to get a life. Keri needs to stop obsessing about Mike. Keri is an immature dope. Keri can't stop thinking about hurting Mike.
Mike had his email hacked BECAUSE HE MAKES IT KNOWN WHO HE IS ON THESE BLOGS. You want to talk paranoia? How about accusing someone, who hasn't said more than a paragraph in two months, with no backup of hacking an account simply because she doesn't like the man.
Any retard with a grudge and the right software who sees the name "LukeUrban" appear on the HeraldNews can hack Mike's account and fuck up his life.
And at this point, just because of the clowns who he's tricked into thinking he's a "nice guy" and the fact that he just keeps on blogging...I say hack away.
Sure. ANYBODY could have hacked into Mike's email accounts. But it also could have been KERI. Not to difficult to find out. Herren could get the Police involved if he chooses to. They will know what steps to take. Hacking is a crime.
Hacking a computer is a crime. Your boy mikey was stupid with his info on a networking site. Sorry the only crime committed is herren being dumb.
So if it's so easy to find out, find out already. Prove it was Keri or shut up.
Also -- is Keri a fat pig who all men think is a horrible disgusting wretch? Or some kind of devious sex kitten with multiple partners and no clue as to who the father of her child is? Make up your mind.
There's so much shit talking on this blog you people are talking yourselves in circles. And please note: Keri isn't talking to you or mentioning Mike period, idiots.
please note: Keri isn't talking to you or mentioning Mike period, idiots.
That's because she legally can't be a chatterbox here because it could weaken her case. However just because she is not talking on this blog, do you honestly believe that she doesn't talk shit to her friends and family all day? I bet you the name Mike Herren leaves her lips at least 25 times a day. She probably uses some smart ass nickname for him though.
To address your first question of -- is Keri a fat pig who all men think is a horrible disgusting wretch? Personally I would answer that question YES. Luckily for her there are desperate guys in the world who will fuck a hole in the wall if that's all they can get.
Are you familiar with Keri and her family? Sounds like you are making assumptions.
Mar 28, 2009 9:06 PM
the picture on my space of you is sexy as hell..your eyes and makes me crazy...go on facebook.
From: Herren Sports
Date: Mar 28, 2009 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: are you on face book if you are let me know so i can im you
3 is the word of the night..maybe we will have a 3some..we will call maryellen lol areyou on facebook yet
----------------- Original Message -----------------
To: Herren Sports
Date: Mar 28, 2009 6:16 PM
Subject: RE: are you on face book if you are let me know so i can im you
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Herren Sports
Date: Mar 28, 2009 4:11 PM
Subject: are you on face book if you are let me know so i can im you
call me at 5084158404
March 31, 2009 7:52 PM
Luckily for her there are desperate guys in the world who will fuck a hole in the wall if that's all they can get.
Guess herren would know all about that LMAO!
Ugh... it's so obvious when the Anonymous posts are from Keri. You mine as well sign your name darling.
Why do the herren thugs keep referring to Keri and obesity. I saw a picture of michael h. on facebook at Boulay's kickoff....GROSSLY OBESE.
I stopped listening to his show as it airs while I'm cooking or eating dinner. The snorting and coughing is really offensive. When I saw the photo I realized why. GROSSLY OBESE.
By your standard Keri will also be snorting and coughing before to long.
I guess if she smokes everything in sight and uses the way he does.
and grunting, let's not forget the caveman-like grunting! "Unh ugh (snff snff), uh yuh, sure sure, uhn ugn". Seriously this is EVERY single interview. Fuck this clown in his stupid clown ass!
right on wj
i cant wait until mike finds out who w.j. bloggah is.
What I find entertaining is how insignificant WSAR is in the marketplace of the Southcoast..yet how much importance it takes on here.
It wouldn't matter if Keri, Mike or Jesus Christ was doing afternoon drive..about three people would be listening, regardless of who is behind the mic..
The Karams own the thing so they air their editorials, convinved that everyone in Fall River stares at the ceiling all night, wondering what they might say next..
Otherwise, its a collection of has beens, never weres and college kids who can't intern at PRO-FM or Fun 107 and walk around pissed all day because of it..
Enough already..
WSAR was shit, Keri came in and tried to make it respectable, it started to work a little then Keri left and now it is shit again. It is a completely nothing station that no one listens to and anyone that wastes a dime advertising over there is a complete moron. Giving a bum on the street a dollar would be a better investment of money.
What's he gonna do, beat me up? C'mon now, this is the internet, if you take ANY of this shit seriously, you've got problems deeper than I can help you with, friend. I do this because it gives something to do to kill time during the day, not because of any deep seated vendetta or personal grudge. Hurricane happens to be an easy target for ridicule so, there ya go. Now, if I find my tires slashed I know who blame....
Hurricane rules the airwaves..wrong about him slashing your tires not his style hes more direct...wrong abour wsars audience its at record high...wrond again wsar gets applications on a daily basis Arlene Violet is one of them and theres many more...Hurricanes show is so popular sponsors have to wait to get on ratings were great next time in july look out..Hurricane has redefined wsar and taking it to the next level
Well after being away for the today, I see that there are finally posts on the board that sum everything up nicely.
1. WSAR is an insignificant station.
2. about 3 people would be listening no matter who is on.
3. Nobody should be taking this board to seriously. We come here to bust chops simply because WE CAN.
Everyone seems to be making sense today. That's shocking.
if you take this serious you have problems?
calling someone a clown and saying "fuck there clown ass" on a unidentified name is the sign of a true coward. and the hurricanes show is listened to by many
Yup I'll say it again. Fuck'em! Fuck 'em all, fuck the Karams, fuck the Herrens, fuck Mayor Correia, fuck Fastball Fiola, fuck Nick Christ and Alan Amaral. Fuck the entire City Council (except Bigelow, I kinda like him on a personal level), Fuck Cadime and Aguiar and the whole School Committee. While I'm at it, fuck the schools and the students too, stupid brats. Fuck JJ's and Dirty Nicks Hot Dogs, fuck Hartley's Pork Pies and fuck Billy's and O'Gils. Fuck the BA, the St James and esp. fuck the Regatta. Fuck George Bush and fuck the Star Spangled Banner. Fuck Brittany Spears, Jon Stewart, Kurt Cobain and Oscar the Grouch. Fuck your mom. Fuck MY mom. Fuck puppies. Fuck Kittens. Fuck Art Carney and Jackie Gleason. Fuck Keri and fuck this stupid blog and fuck ME too, while I'm at it. See where I'm going with this? It's all just random nonsense gibberish. And you want to beat me up over stupid shit like this? Like I said, I may be the Whack Job, but YOU'RE the one with the problem, friend....
Hahahaha. What will Keri do now that her whole blog has become a joke? She had no more presence on the radio and she has no more presence here. She will now fade away like a canceled TV show that was not even good enough for syndication.
Advertising at WSAR = Huge waste of money
You are probably correct. I can't imagine that businesses would see any difference in sales if they pulled their advertising from WSAR. I bet you that not a thing would change.
Funny isn't it..
If the "Hurricane" is posting these "record ratings" why isn't WSAR using newspaper ads and every other form of media to trumpet that "fact"?
Advertisers waiting to get on WSAR?
You're kidding right?
From what I know of the business, WSAR can't get in to see most business owners, because they have better things to do..
So I'll do what Lefty over at "A View From Battleship Cove" asked earlier this winter..
Let's see these "record ratings"..who exactly did the future "HOFer" triumph over? Pro-FM? WBZ-AM? Just who exactly, and by how much?
Wasn't the "Hurricane" not long for WSAR just a few months ago?
I remember that claim being made on "A View From Battleship Cove"..
How's that job search going?
Are radio syndication companies still in negotiations to land the biggest fish in the SouthCoast..
Or is all that just another long line of bullshit?
You Decide...
St Anne's Credit Union is a huge WSAR sponsor, I wonder who's friends with whom there.....
The fall River ironies:
WSAR is insignificant now but when Keri was on it, it was significant
Keri is accused here of hacking into Mike's email when Mike does not blame Keri.
Apparently if you are overweight like Mike or Keri, you should not be loved, liked or even fucked.
Keri allows for Mike's number to be blogged on here several times which according to libel standards would have to be considered malicious.
People are so sure JKeri was cheating on her boyfriend yet they also say she can't get anyone to love her.
People are so sure Mike was in a hotel room with hookers yet, there is no actionable evidence to support it.
People are so willing to known down WSAR that they do so while willingly trying to destroy the incomes of the other employees there...
And people wonder why Fall River is so screwed up.
If one wants to know whom the culprits be...One only needs to look in the mirror.
Please grow up, go back to college, something!
The police report is public info, Maybe not hookers.....but not far off.
Tell it to TMZ. Celebrities get in trouble all the time. Not that Herren is a big celebrity, but my point is he is known to many around these parts. Bottom line is that people must find him interesting on some level. He's still got a radio show.
TMZ? Wow, how does anyone from a local blog end up on TMZ? Did he beat up Brianna? Give me a break.
Herren has more than just a little blog like Keri does. Herren actually has as a radio show. It doesn't matter if you like him or not. He's still more involved in show business than keri is.
Mike should check out
I'm sure Happy Hec can pull some alumni strings and the Karams can help with tuition. It's an investment in the future of Fall River radio! (Or is it good enough for Fall River already?)
Mike Herren is more in business that the Connecticut School of Broadcasting presently is. They've closed their doors. Keri needs to go back to school to learn how to treat fellow employees and co-workers. From what I've heard she has a lot to learn in that department.
A local AM Radio station that has a few hundred listeners, tops, is no more an aspect of "Show Business " than the local public access TV station. By your logic, FRED would be "Must See Prime Time TV". Get over yourselves people, it's fucking AM radio for crying out loud! Self important with delusions of grandeur? That's not just Keri, pal....
To anonymous above:
You need to tell Rodriques that her show on WSAR was pretty much worthless then. By your definition it would have been no different than her being on cable access. I happen to think you are correct. Now I think she needs to hear it from the public. I feel that she overestimated her popularity and importance around here. However you summed it up nicely when you made the cable access comparison. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Hurricane's Highway Home, followed by "Wrestling Spotlight" and footage of the 4th of July parade in Bristol, oooohh, cancel my weekend plans, this is Must See TV!
Footage of a 4th of July parade on the RADIO? LOL. Yeah that's a great listen for all those people in the area who don't own TELEVISIONS! Plus we all know how exciting it is to Listen to a parade! Are they freaking serious over there? It seems to me that Herren is the least of their problems if they are busy broadcasting parades.
hurricanes highway home isnt on the weekends so you can keep your weekend plans
I think April 10, 2009 9:07 PM was telling a joke. Unfortunately they don 't seem to have the ability to be entertaining. So it didn't sound like a joke.
Happy Easter!
The HURRICANE has put all the bloggers out of business....All the lies all the hate and yet still The Hurricane is the last one standing..Keri is gone... the blogs are dead..Its the Hurricanes Highway Home thats left in peoples heads!!
The fact that you just posted that on Keri's blog shows how much of an idiot you are. It's like ordering a 3 piece meal at KFC and then yelling about how fried chicken is disgusting and no good for your cholesterol after you've just finished eating there.
Secondly,'Hurricane's Highway Home'?
Seriously, that title alone is it's own gay joke waiting to happen.
This blog has 5 people who visit. You mine as well yell your message out the window. More people would hear it.
Good, so all 5 that are left can here me say Fuck Mike Herren! I wish you ill. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and only to you. Your mother wears underwear that got dickholes in 'em. Oughtta take that microphone and beat whoever put this guy on the air to death with it.
Down but not out, last man standing indeed....
The funny thing is that Rodriques was PD at the time. She may have very well been the one who hired Herren!
Dick holes! LOL!
That Chapelle reference is what got me WJ!
You're too much!
W.J. I'm with you. Some of these MORON'S that post anonymously are definitely not aware of what is really going on. Someone is pulling the rope attached to the ring in their noses. Poor bastard's should be shown some pity, they don't realize they are being led...very sad
Is it true that Keri Rodriquez hired Mike Herren? How can she badmouth the guy for doing a poor job when it was her who decided that he was good enough to hire? What a Nut!
Nobody hired herren. The Karams took pity on him and let him do a sports show under the table. Can you imagine the guy on an actual grown up interview? The guy is mental.
Herren had no choice but to do his show under the table. Keri had her buffet set up on top of the table.
Mike Herren and Marc Munroe Dion...soon to be classic radio
Fall River's favorite son and a seasoned journalist...together.
Coming soon.
He was collecting "under the table" years before Keri came on the the local airwaves. But I am sure he has corrected any tax oversights. Right?
hee hee seasoned journalist now there is a pair.
Is this what Fall River is like in this video? I'm glad that I never go there. You don't even see crime like this in Manhattan where 8 million people live!
The address for the Video changed. It's now
What a fucking dump Fall River is. I feel bad for anyone who has to live in that pit.
ding dong the wicked witch is ....
Hurricane's show made its one year anniversary and finally God answered my prayers and took that swine Barry Richard off the talk show.
That's too bad...I liked Barry's show.
why was barry let go, he must have insulted the wrong person because he has been saying what he wanted for a long time now???
We all need to get behind MIKE HERREN who has made the city of Fall River proud once again by being elected into the BMC DURFEE SPORTS HALL OF FAME.
I'm just a regular Fall River Guy who sells millions of rap tunes but please support What is right!!!!
You're kidding me....right?
Barry is now the News for the famous was removed.
Any truth to the rumors of Mike running for office..seems the Karams are trying their best to rehab their project..fascinating..
what project ???
Has been Heights di#kwad???!!!
Anonymous said...
We all need to get behind MIKE HERREN who has made the city of Fall River proud once again by being elected into the BMC DURFEE SPORTS HALL OF FAME.
I'm just a regular Fall River Guy who sells millions of rap tunes but please support What is right!!!!
May 9, 2009 7:33 PM
Bad link dude! I am dying to get behind are own hometown thug and drug holding criminal. Just looing to support what's right!!!???
She has pretended to disappear really good this time. She hasn't logged into Myspace since March and her Wikipedia entry is gone too. I guess we won't be hearing from her again until she gets needy for attention. By that time nobody will care. Come to think of it I don't think anybody cares now.
Or maybe she's just gotten on with her life...people do that you know.
She has pretended to disappear really good this time. She hasn't logged into Myspace since March and her Wikipedia entry is gone too. I guess we won't be hearing from her again until she gets needy for attention. By that time nobody will care. Come to think of it I don't think anybody cares now.
May 17, 2009 5:01 PM
Sup Keri stalker,
Maybe you should move on too.
You call people a stalker, but here you are. NUT! I love people who throw the workd stalker around when in the normal world it is called Surfing the web!
Fucking fruitcake.
You call people a stalker, but here you are. NUT! I love people who throw the workd stalker around when in the normal world it is called Surfing the web!
Fucking fruitcake.
May 18, 2009 9:23 AM
nuf said.....
Vavu wants to know: If slimeball Herren is such a hotshot radio personality (snicker) and WSAR go-getter (snort) what happened at tk o'malley's to end a blossoming start???? Supposed to broadcast so called "famous show" from there...ended pretty dammed quick as I recall Hmmmm????
you mean Barretts Ale House? Yeah-- what happened with that every Monday broadcast??
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